Saturday, September 5, 2009

August 2009 Family Dinner

(Or is Todd sleeping on the job
after a long day at work?)
Kellee asking us for a "chive check" in her teeth.
(Ha ha!)
Ryan is having fun with his lifejacket on.
He can go and do anything with that on.
Jacob says, "Hey, I can do that too! "
Cameron doing his seahorse impression.
Brett says, "Yippee! We love swimming!"
Kaitlyn is doing her Babe Ruth impression.
She is always a homerun hitter in our books.
Brightley says, "One, two, three...Jump!"
Joe is intertaining the kids
with his funny faces:)
Stephen is trying to take back the innertube from Brett. I don't think he will get it. Brett is getting big enough to handle him.
Brittany helps Brightley.
She is a great Big Cousin!
Ali is lounging with Kaitlyn. She is already
showing signs of being a teenager. HELP!!!
Ann and Eva enjoying the quiet adult
conversation while the kids are swimming.
Thanks Todd & Stephen!!!
Julie holding cute Baby Christine and Mark
chilling out at Stephen and Eva's home.
Heeeeeey!! (said with attitude)
Our own personal Chef Kimberley. We are so lucky! We had lemon squares and unbelieveable brownies with marshmallos then a peanut butter, rice crispy & chocolate topping. Yummmmmm--OOOOO!!!
Here are the Big Boys playing their Wii games.
They were hillarious when they shake the
controllers to make themselves run fast.
We don't need entertainment
with all of our family. Love it!
See what I am talking about the entertainment thing. Kimberley just proves my point! Ha ha!
Ryan, (unhappy) Brightley, and Kaitlyn posing for the picture. I'm not sure they were all together happy about doing this.
Kaitlyn, Ali and Brett trying to
give bunnies ears, I think?
Lia and Ryan say "Cheeeese!"
Here is all of the gang together playing
after swimming so long in the pool.
They are looking a little tired
but they just want to
soak up all the fun while all
the cousins are together.

We love it when the family can get together. Love ya Baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of Todd. Is he watching the fence?? HaHa. - Julie
