Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Practice Post from Julie

Aro Wilson Huffaker's Baby Blessing

Stephen, Eva, Aro & Eva's Grandparents.
The Huffaker family, Farnsworth family
and friends that attended.
Eva, Aro & Stephen.

What a beautiful family!
The Huffaker family.

Note: Ryan is just like his father in pictures.
In all but one he is making a face.
This one has Christine looking forward.
The Farnsworth Family.
Four generations altogether.
Stephen, Eva, Aro, & Eva's mom and dad.
Stephen, Eva, Aro, Bou, Logan's wife & Logan.
Back at Stephen & Eva's home,
Christine and Aro start holding
each other's hand. Awe!
How cute! Bright eyed babies.
Alittle sister time.
Alittle cousin time.
Brett makes it look easy.

Cornerstone Ward Fall Festival 2009

Brett is dressed as Jack Frost.
It was his own idea.
He did a great job.
Cameron is showing off his Slitherine Snake.

Brett is playing
"Monter Target Shooting".
He wins!
Jacob is dressed as Optimus Prime
a Transformer. Cameron and Jacob
love to play all the games.
Jacob shows off his
Jack-o-lantern face paint.
Brett is having fun with everyone.
Ali is Supergirl.
She loves to dress up
and wear make-up.
She wore her costume everyday
since we got her costume.
Cameron (Malfoy) and
Katie (Hermione) rivals.
Todd is enjoying his time
watching all the kids having fun.

Ali's Gymnastics Program

Ali wanted to try gymnastics and so
she did a Recreation class for 8 weeks.
She loved it and did very well at it.
Ali on the balance beam. She had to
go forward and then turn in the
middle and then continue to
the end and then a dismount.

Ali does great summersaults
across the floor.
Ali can do a hand stand with alittle help.
Ali is going to do a back
bend with alittle help.

All done! She did great!

Preschool Field Trip to Mother Nature's Farm

Jacob on a tractor. Go, Jacob, Go!
Look how tall Jacob is getting!

Jacob and Hayden pick out
the perfect pumpkin to decorate.

Jacob and his other preschool friends
put scary and silly foam stickers
on their pumpkins.
Jacob and friends get ready for the
hayride around the farm. Yeehaw!
Jacob has no fear when
feeding the cow.
Look at the big cow tongue! Wow!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Aro Wilson Huffaker Arrives

New Mom Eva! You did great!
No drugs ladies. She is our newest Shero!
New Dad Stephen!
He did great supporting Eva!
Aunt Julie is taking her turn holding Aro.
Okay everyone. Altogether now...
What, you want me to wake up!
Didn't you hear what kind of night I had?
Aunt Ann, I am cold.
Put my blanket around me.
Stephen, Eva and new baby
boy Aro Wilson Huffaker.
Daddy and Aro
Mommy and Aro

Camp Lomia Cornerstone Ward Campout Sept.2009

Ali loved being by the campfire except
the smoke affected her eyes.Ali played football with the boys.
She can hold her own.
The kids were excited to stay in the addies.
Do you remember staying in these in Girls Camp.
Brett went in search for wild blackberries
down by the creek.
Cameron loved playing with the fire and trying
to keep it going. He was practicing to
be a "Survior". Ha ha.
At one point the thorns on the bushes were stuck
in his socks, pants, and sweatshirt.
Oh it was cold. Ann and Jacob snuggle with
each other with our hoodies on.
Jacob loves to get his picture taken.
He really loved sleeping in the addies
and on the buck beds.